For six years I subsidized my art habit with a full-time administrative day-job at a large, corporate not-for-profit medical association. This series of drawings was produced while at work, using office supplies. Coming from a creative professional background, I often felt like an outsider observing a simultaneously exotic and banal world. Corporate culture was new to me. Thankfully I worked in an academic area of the organization, and my very kind boss and co-workers tolerated the mess of pens, postit notes, rubber stamps and pilfered files that littered my desk, despite my pathetic attempts to conceal "art projects." Looking back, I see how much the leader of my small department recognized this and cultivated a sincere (and I mean this in the best way) wacky spirit of fun. It fueled this work in ways that I now appreciate years later. I am grateful for this. My fond memories of this time come from the lifelong friends and fellow co-workers I met there. This is not a personal attack on specific people, but rather a critique of corporate culture.